15 super motivational quotes| in English,

Unique 15 super motivational quotes

This is the new and  super motivational quotes in English,

super motivational quotes

Quotes in English

  1. You are never alone until you feel,
  2. What you will do in life depends on your needs,
  3. If you want to go far, move slowly,
  4. The story is not incomplete, just the end is different,
  5. Also choose the way along the goal,
  6. Life is not for spend, life is for living,
  7. It is not dark by sunset, it is, from the end of expectations,
  8. Between success and failure is just one step distance,
  9. To win the match you have to stay,
  10. You are not identified by what you are going to do, what you have done is your identity,
  11. Look at yourself without a mirror, then you will know what is in you,
  12. No one else can write your story, you have to do it,
  13. People want to make themselves look good, not make them good,
  14. Small things make you big,
  15. Everyone likes your character, not you,

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Conscious World

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